I’ve always dreamt of feeling the sun shine inside me. Feeling the light that I had so often given. I’ve dreamt of being a person that would help others because all I ever wanted was that for myself. I’ve been through so much where I have reached a point in my life where I felt like a nobody. Someone with no future, no hope. I’d think to myself “Why bother trying. When I do, nothing good comes out of it?,” or just the simple question of “Why?” Those questions were soon to be answered, I just didn’t know it yet. Those questions were asked incorrectly. I was so blind sided by my depression that I wasn’t helping myself I wasn’t following “do what you gotta do so you can do what you wanna do.” Eventually, through all the aching and pain, I realized this isn’t how I want my life to be or continue on. I didn’t want my future to be this, because if it was I wouldn’t have been with the person I love, I wouldn’t have been the happy person I am today, I wouldn’t be living my life rather than sitting around doing nothing, staring at walls. I changed my mindset completely. Those questions turned into “you bother trying because you want to be better, so what are you going to do about it?” , “why give up when there’s so much to fight for?” These questions flowed through my mind and as I got answers, everything changed. My life. Me. Sometimes you have to reach the fall to rise. 

Published by: Ariana B. D.



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