Everyone has difficulty finding a consistent workout plan that works for them. For me, I always struggled with finding a workout routine that is most effective and beneficial for my body type. But not anymore. My routine consists of lower body workouts as well as a cardio routine. My main focus is to tone my legs, core, and a mild upper body workout. If that is your focus, then this routine will work for you.

As for a dietary plan, always remember “quantity over quality”. You can eat whatever you want but you have to portion out what you eat. For my personal dietary plan, I like to steer away from dairy and gluten due to family reasons. So, with that being said, if you would like to try a diet without dairy or gluten, I have included items and foods that I like to eat to keep my body fresh and nutritional.

Lower Body Workout:

  • 3×25 leg push machine
  • 3×12 single leg deadlifts w dumbbell
  • 3×12 single leg RDL’s w dumbbell
  • 3×12 RDL’s w dumbbells
  • 3×20 cafe raises
  • 3×15 single leg side lunge pulses
  • 3×15 plated squats q dumbbell
  • 3×15 plated pulse squats w dumbbell

Core Workout:

  • 3×15 knee-touch ab crunches w dumbbell
  • 50 crunches
  • 3×15 hip dips
  • 30sec plank
  • 3×15 knee to chest crunches
  • 3×15 leg raises
  • 3×20 flutter kicks

Cardio Workout:

  • 5-10min stair master
  • 1-2miles treadmill
  • or 3miles cycle bike
  • 2×15 front raises w weight
  • 2×15 alternating side raises dumbbell
  • 2×15 alternating bicep curls dumbbell
  • 2×15 overhead shoulder press dumbbell
  • 2×25 bent over raises bar 15lb
  • 3×25 arm cable pull downs

  • Vegetables: artichokes, avocado, asparagus, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, cauliflower, celery, cucumber, garlic, green beans, lettuce, onions, zucchini, and spinach
  • Protein: chicken or steak
  • Fruits: bananas, pomegranate, grapes, strawberries, kiwis
  • High protein low carb snacks: peanut butter, oats, and chia seed energy balls.
  • overnight oats, oatmeal cups
  • Greek yogurt or silk nondairy yogurt with fruit and honey
  • trail mix
  • peanut butter oatmeal smoothie

Why Is It Important to have a consistent daily routine for yourself?

A consistent daily routine is crucial for young adults, including teenagers, as it provides structure and stability during a time of significant growth and change. Routines help cultivate healthy habits, such as regular sleep, exercise, and study patterns, which are vital for physical, mental, and emotional well-being. This can also improve time management skills, reduce stress, and promote a sense of accomplishment by breaking larger goals into manageable daily actions. Additionally, a routine fosters independence and self-discipline, preparing teens for the responsibilities of adulthood while giving them a sense of control over their lives.

Additional Information: for recipes and more tips, follow my lemon8 page (you can find the link on the homepage)

Published by Anastasia Baez


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