Acknowledge: Welcome our newest member Gabriella Colamarino- publicist! Gabriella has an acquired taste of creative writing and journaling. Her writing inspires those around her. She has a creative and determined mindset. Gabriella tends to put people in front of her than giving herself the chance to focus on her. She has the chance right now to inspire and motivate teenagers who are facing the same difficulties as she is.

“The hurt I feel just from looking in the wrong directions.”
This quote is practically my life. I go through anxiety and depression with friends but mostly with family. All my life I’ve been nothing but compared to my brother and my sister. I’ve been compared up until the point Iv always just thought differently about myself and how I’m not good enough to most people. I’ve had my anxiety and depression days kick in tons of times. Sometimes when I’m alone I usually wonder, am I good enough? Or what did I do wrong? Do I have to change just for people to take me seriously and be part of the family? My brother and my sister have gone through their times from high school and college, they have cars, they have careers and that’s them and I’m not saying I’m not proud of them for pushing themselves all I’m saying is that when it’s my time I’ll achieve my goals but for right now I just want to be a teenager, I want to be Gabriella Colamarino. My parents tell me all the time to be a kid, enjoy my life cause you’re not gonna be a kid forever, yet I’m being told to look at my brother and sister, they did this and they did that. But what about what I want to be or do.
The number one question I always get asked is “when” or “what”. The same questions revolve around my head like planets but even more issues and questions and negativity.
Stress, anxiety, and depression are the biggest things teenagers have to go through and have difficulty controlling. I for starters go through all three every day, all day my whole life. My stress has gotten worse for me when I entered high school. There was so much drama that led to stress and anxiety and depression. I have a bunch of stress because of my job, school, homework, teachers, and most of the time people. For people, it starts out as drama and stays on that part for a while and later on leads towards stress.
Mainly in high school we teenagers go through stress in school. Anxiety is the next part that comes in, so many people go through anxiety every day. In my opinion, it is mostly teenagers because we teenagers go through hard and difficult times to the point some of us don’t like or want to talk about it. We have anxiety but some people think it’s because of school and presentations. Yes, there is anxiety from them, but what parents, teachers, and doctors don’t know is that anxiety starts just from thinking of difficult times and not being able to control what we think or what we feel. One of my best friends suffers from anxiety and I have seen how much it can affect her life and school work. She has had several absences just because of her anxiety or her depression. There is not one-day anxiety that doesn’t affect our lives or our times.
After anxiety is depression, so many people have to deal with depression day by day. It’s a very difficult thing to go through and definitely control or try to control at least. I have had depression since I was 5. My depression started when I was in queens in 3rd grade, I would get bullied non-stop. I would get called names, get pushed around, and I have gotten made fun of all because of my weight, my hair, my family life, everything you can think of I have gotten bullied for it. I am not going to say who bullied me but being bullied and depression mixed together is not a fun thing to have. Everyone has depression, you just can see it. Some people are really good at hiding it, and then there are others who don’t care what others think and show how they really feel, showing every emotion, everything through every feeling. Parents are always telling us “depression isn’t a real thing” or “stop being dramatic, you’re not depressed”.
What i have addressed in this post, is my story and my opinion on what teenagers are facing, and how our parents or adults don’t understand what we are going through mentally. The main thing that we ALL need right now, is to be there for one another.
Published by Gabriella C.
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