Getting a job, maintaining a general income, going to school, doing chores, and being on time for events. These are all the things that are realistic in one’s life. Am I right? The answer is yes! Being in the present moment-reality, there are jobs and tasks that we are assigned to. Tasks that we are responsible for. Looking at different perspectives, living in the moment can be difficult for some people. Certain situations may not go the way you planned. Living, in reality, can be difficult and it will be a bummer for some people. Reality is a challenge that everyone has to face no matter what the circumstances are.
In my personal experience, I tend to “live in my head” and what I mean by this is that I am always thinking of what will happen next or I imagine living my life the way I want it to be. For example, having a career that pays a good amount of money, or even getting my dream car that I have always dreamed of. Anyways, my message to you is that you cannot always rely on the things that are going on in your head. As perfect as it sounds, it isn’t realistic. At some point, we have to clear our heads and focus on what is happening in front of us.
Is Reality Really A Bad Thing?
There are times when reality can be a good thing, don’t get me wrong. Laughing with friends and making memories in that present moment is the best thing you can love about reality. Surrounding yourself with the people who love you and care for is the second best feeling in the world. The first best feeling is laughter. Laughter is the most precious thing in life. According to a variety of scientific research, data shows that laughter decreases stress and the release of endorphins- which are known for the body’s natural feel-good chemicals.
Understanding that being in the present moment is like having a touch with your surroundings. Whether having a physical touch, spiritual touch, or even a breath that you take. People tend to get caught up in the come-up of their futures rather than paying attention to what is happening around them. Taking a step back from what you intend to do in the future can be enlightenment for you in the present moment. Meaning that you are able to have the opportunity to live in the now and enjoy it as much as you can. We all aren’t going to be young forever.

The Power Of Anticipation:
Besides living in reality or living in our heads, we all need something to look forward to in life Right? A healthy sense of “anticipation” can often energize our lives and motivate us to get through tough times. It allows us to gain opportunities from something in the near future before the event even occurs. We can anticipate an exciting new job, a night at the theatre, a well-earned holiday after a hectic year. These are all positive examples of what is to come in the near future. Anticipation is an emotional feeling that people feel on a daily basis. With this being said that leads me to explain why anticipation helps us in our daily lives.
Having to make difficult conclusions, recovering from a situation that has been bugging you, or having difficulty trying to move on from something that has happened previously in your life. These situations are where anticipation works its magic. Without a doubt, anticipation can help you in all aspects of difficult challenges that may occur to you.

Looking at the negative results of a negative situation is obviously going to make you think and feel more negatively! Is that really what you want to feel or think about? Your answer should be NO! Everyone always turns their shoulder to the negative side of a situation when you should be turning away from it. Thinking about how the problem has made a negative impact on you will not result in the situation being resolved.
Instead of worrying about negative circumstances, you should be worrying about replacing those negative thoughts with positive thoughts. Taking something negative and replacing it to be positive is not that difficult if you really put your mind to it. Some ways that can be beneficial for you are to try, to get enough rest/sleep, exercise, focus on solutions rather than focusing on the problems, and most importantly try not to take things personally.
OVERALL my message to you is that don’t waste any time focusing on one bad problem and focus more on the bigger picture, focus on moving forward and letting things go. Because if you are the person who holds grudges over everything- then how will you move on? If you hold grudges or take things personally, you aren’t going to be able to think positively or have relief over the situation that you are holding on to. On a real note, besides holding grudges and taking things to heart, life is all about how you want to live your life. You hold the power of making your own decisions and taking your own path. Every little thing that you do on a daily basis takes an impact on your life.
My personal [opinion is to just live the best life you ever wanted. You are only young once, you will only have one-time opportunities, and to be wild and free. As a teenager, we all get heck-tick about jobs and holding responsibility, but sometimes you have to set those responsibilities to the side and have a little fun. Do the unexpected and step out of your comfort zone once in a while.
Published by Anastasia B.
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