1. Stop trying to please everyone.
  2. Give up the fear of change…life is a change management course.
  3. Living in the past. It’s done.
  4. Overthinking and worrying.
  5. Doubting yourself and putting yourself down.
  1. Stop trying to please everyone- meaning that we all try and look our best, act differently around certain people, do things that deep down you don’t want to but you do it anyway to make someone happy. At the same time, at the end of the day, we are only making ourselves worse. At the end of the day we feel like we’re sinking ourselves in falseness, fraud, hoax, imitation, mockery. Feeling fake brings our self-esteem way down and before we know it you’ll be at the peak of depression, and continuing trying to please everyone around you will only be the start of depression. It will 100% worsen. So, as a result, flip that switch inside you and STOP trying to please everyone around you, and start pleasing yourself. Start by loving yourself. Put yourself first.

2. Give up the fear of change…life is a change management course- personally change is terrifying to me, like the movie the Conjuring, it scares the life out of me. I’m serious. Change is something that you have to adapt to, get used to, and that’s scary. It also depends on what kind of change you are going through. There can either be a good change or a bad change. There are countless examples of change.
Now talking about personality change, appearance change, even if someone wants you to change how you think, you know it’s like a stepping stone. The first leap is change, the second leap is your mentality gradually changing, the third step is your life could and would be better. Circumstantially you can feel like you have to change. You have the urge to fix something about yourself and no one could tell what you needed to change because you felt that way on your own. For me I 100% felt like I needed to change my personality. I needed to become someone who cared for literally anyone, someone who was always kind. At first I was quiet and shy, and to me that needed to be fixed because how can I become kind and show that I care for people without communicating. So I took the first step and overtime I became the person I wanted to be. If I’m being honest I was terrified, I thought to myself “what if no one like me,” “what if I’m making a huge mistake,” “is something bad going to happen to me,” all theses “what if’s, what if’s” were roaring in my mind, and I didn’t know what to do. I was really really scared, but then I thought about the bright side. I thought about how I can help people, make people’s lives or even their day happier. I thought that If I can do this then at the same time I can do it for myself. Being afraid of change is what’s really holding you back. It’s preventing you from transforming yourself into something better, into feeling comfortable in your own skin. And literally every single day that you live you will always, always, go through change. You just have to decide what kind of change it will be.

3. Living in the past.It’s done.- whatever you have been through its history. It will stay in the past, but it;s up to you to either leave it there or bring it back. I’m not the kind of person to tell people this is right or wrong, but in this case I’m right. Bringing things back into your life that had already happened is not a good thing. It’s like a replay of bad music. You keep trying to skip it but it’s stuck on replay. If you bring a moment, a memory, a fight, a heartbreak, back to the present it isn’t a gift, it’s a sign telling you that you need to make a decision right then and there if you want that same pain or guilt, whatever it is, to feel it all over again or move on and forget about it. “Forgive and forget,” is a saying often used to tell people that in order to forget you need to forgive, or you need to find closure in some way. The past is like a personal text book, full of dates,events. Everything. Yet again it’s the past, leave it as is, and If you aren’t happy with the past, take time in your present and make it something you DON’T want to forget. It’s just the past is the past and it’s done.

4. Overthinking and worrying- for this there isn’t much I can say because I’m still tryna figure this out, trying to figure out a “cure” to overthinking and worrying. I suppose that worrying is something that is constantly shared between literally everyone. Like everyone in the world at some point will feel worried. It’s a feeling that is very, very, relevant. On the other hand overthinking isn’t that relevant, not to everyone. If you ask me, I’m one of those people. Again the roaring mind of “what if’s.” I’m overthinking every equation, everything I say or think or feel. Nonetheless there are people out there who can just do what they think. Who can make a move on whatever they think or feel. They “just do it.” There really isn’t anything else I can possibly say but it’s a part of who you are, and at this point I don’t think you can change that.

5. Doubting yourself and putting yourself down- this should be on your NOT TO DO list. Never ever doubt yourself because it is the same as putting yourself down. When you doubt yourself universally it will happen. Once more this is something you need to change. It is hard, I’m not going to lie, it really, really is hard to try and put faith in yourself, and it is hard to bring yourself up. I know that there is a solution to everything and this is it. You need to push and push no matter how hard it’s stinging you, you need to push past that and ask yourself “do I have faith in me.” Your answer should be yes. I’m not giving you an alternative because in this case there is no option but up.

Published By: Ariana N. Baez



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