Start now. Start with an idea. Start with a plan. Start with a dream. Start right now. Anything can be done if you put your mind to it. If you want to create an app, create an app, if you want to save lives, save them, if you have an image of changing the world, change it. It can even be an invention and when people discourage you, when people think that it’s impossible show them that it isn’t.

It’s fun to do the impossible because you’re showing everyone else that it can be done. When you’re thinking to yourself “maybe they’re right,” “maybe I can’t do it,” maybe it is impossible,” find a way. There’s always a way, some sort of loophole. When you fail once, when you fail twice, you’re one step closer to success. Just because you fail doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world, it doesn’t mean it’s the end of trying, and it doesn’t mean that you should drop everything you’re doing and move on. But what it does mean is to keep trying. Don’t let it stop you. Failure builds your character, it builds the person that you are and it builds the person that you want to be. In my perspective failure is another word for acceptance. Accepting the fact that you have failed makes you better. Fear and failure is an addition to our obstacles, this leads to another thing that we all go through, fear.

Fear is around the clock battle. Fear is a tidal wave of adrenaline rushing through your body, your heart racing so fast that you can literally hear it, that sweat starting to drip down your four-head, or the persistent thoughts of what could go wrong. It’s nervousness it’s anxiety. Facing our fears us what makes us stronger. Having fear, facing fear when it’s right in your face makes you strong. It’s okay to be scared, It’s okay. It’s okay to be afraid it’s the emotion that makes you human. You can be labeled as fearless when you do the things you fear. I’d say for the most part fear is all in our heads. If we let fear control our thoughts, just stop fear from controlling you. It’s easier than it sounds, and trust me thinking that “you can do it,” ‘don’t be scared, don’t be scared,” thoughts like these truly work. And hey it take time to face your fears, but someday you just have to wake up, get up, and face it.

Published By: Ariana Baez


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