A lot of people don’t realize it but our lives are like a book. Just like a book there are conflicts, climaxes, a turning point, rising action, etc. These stages are just like the stages that we go through in our lives. But at the end it is up to us to find out what our “destiny” is. It’s up to us to figure out our own ending. You pick the path you want to take.  We all go through chapters in our lives. Good or bad. Most of the time it’s bad less than good. But, that’s okay, everyone has their days where they are just not feeling it. But you need to remember that you’re not living a bad life- you’re just having a bad day. What I mean by this is that this bad situation that is occurring for you right now will come to an end. It’s a short term problem instead of a long term problem. Bad things happen and that’s just a part of life. You have to keep moving forward and move on. You’re not gonna learn or experience anything if you don’t move forward. 

To grow and become a better person has to do with who you are right now and who you want to be. To be a better person, you have to willingly change 95% of yourself to become a different person. That other 5% is a part of you that you don’t want to change. That’s a good thing. You’re not changing everything about yourself, you will still have a part of the old you-the part of you who built you. But in order to achieve the goal of becoming a better person, you have to make sacrifices and change the way you usually do things. You can’t say “hey I’m going to change and be someone better than who I am right now but I will start tomorrow.” NO do not say that! By doing this you are not showing that you really want to make a difference. If you want to concur something, you have to do it as soon as possible or else you will start second guessing yourself and end up not doing it at all- that also goes for any goal you are trying to achieve. You think that Historians from around the world waited to accomplish the artifacts that they have made or discovered? The answer is no. They took their knowledge and their resources to make the world a better environment for everyone. With all hard work and courage- you can be able to do anything. All you have to do is think ahead and put your mind to it.

Published by Anastasia B.


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