You’re like another side to me. 

You’re like me. 

Your mind, emotions, and all line up with me. 

You’re my alter ego. 

You say one thing, I say the same. 

You think something and I think the same. 

You do something, so do I. 

You’re my alter ego. 

I don’t need to know that you are physically here to know if you’re there for me. 

I don’t need you to tell me that “everything will be ok” anymore, because you tell me to the point where it’s engraved in my mind. 

You’re my alter ego.

You are always there for me. 

You always pick up your phone when I call or when I call you, you text me back in a quick second. 

Like you paused your life for mine and I’ll do it for you because…

You’re my alter ego. 

The message that lies within this poem is that I’m personally talking about someone who has been there for me for the longest time, this person is my best friend. And I choose to write about this because it is mostly telling whoever is reading this, the real definition of friendship, what a friend is, who they are and what they can provide. I may not be the most authentic and or have a PHD to be telling you the definition of what friendship is, but I do have the experience and that is what gives me the right to be telling you in my opinion what a real friend is. In honesty and all, I’ve had friendship that always ended up going sideways and with these “friends” I never bothered to be friends with them again, only and maybe if they decided they wanted to at least be friends with me. It’s a long story that no one can have enough time to hear or read about it. Anyways, with the experience of the coming and going of friends it’s hard to trust people, it’s hard to even talk to new people and create friendships on your own, but the benefit of losing friends and gaining at max one friend, that one person can change your life forever. It’s all about time, seeking for what you want in someone, seeking for that person that you decide to give the title Friend. Whatever it is you’re looking for, make sure that they are 100% there for you, where they can pause their life and you can pause yours whenever either one of you needs it, now that is a friend. A person who has been through it all with you.

Published By: Ariana N.B.



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