Denzel Washington once said “ If you don’t fail, you’re not even trying.” It is okay to fail, even at the times when you feel as if you were nothing, or as if you weren’t meant to do that thing that you were trying to do at first. Succeeding is all a part of failing. Because when you do fail that means you are trying. It will take you a couple hundred or thousand times till you’ve reached your accomplishment, till you succeed, till you reach your goal. Life is about failing and stumbling. You will trip over your own feet, you will be crushed by a big boulder that comes out of nowhere, you will be knocked down from that one punch to the face. When you are down, you will feel like you can’t get back up. But the truth is you can. It’s all about how much you are willing to go and how much that goal means to you.
A personal story of mine is at times in my life, and they still happen, I feel like I don’t fit in. I feel like I can’t do anything or I’m not made to do anything that I think I would like. Every time that I feel like this, it brings me down and it makes me feel truly terrible. At points I don’t even try. What I’ve learned is this… all those times when I’ve failed, like when I tried to sketch something, for example a portrait, I totally sucked at it. My sister is so, so good at drawing and all that, so I tried to do the same, just to see if I can draw as greatly as she does. I didn’t. I was so disappointed because I looked at my sister’s drawings and wished and wished that I could draw like that. In the end the point is that I tried. I tried drawing, I put my mind to it, and I failed. I’ve accepted the fact that I can’t draw and that’s okay.
When you fail it’s like the whole world has suddenly collapsed all over you. Like the sky is falling, like the rough is caving in, like every time you try to swim to the surface you’re somehow being pulled farther down. This can seriously affect your mental stability into making your mind feel pressured, and when you do it isn’t good. Failure can shape many people’s lives, minds, ways of living, it can shape especially you like it shaped me. It shaped me into not giving up, into not being afraid to have big dreams, it shaped me into the person I am today. Failure is something that everyone goes through, you are not the only person that fails, and remember when you do that means your trying. Here are some quotes that may speak to you like they spoke to me(read below).

“Success is not final; failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”- Winston Churchill

“ Failure is not the opposite of success; it’s part of success.”- Arianna Huffington

“Don’t be afraid to fail, Be afraid not to try.”

“ Try again. Fail again. Fail better.”- Samuel Beckett

“ If you fail, never give up because F.A.I.L. means First Attempt In Learning.”

Published By: Ariana N.B.


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