Today our world is being flooded with a pandemic.It has changed many ways of how to live life and how it will affect our future. A pandemic that has caused so many breaking events such as people within our families are dying, industries are closing, social distancing is being put to the test. We all are. This pandemic has created a depressing withdrawal to our world and to the people. No matter how much we think that this will get better, this will get easier, it takes time, it will still and always be there. It’s now going to be a part of our history, the history that we learn and see in social studies class. Someday it will be there. This is something that is unforgettable. It has ruined our lives and it is something people are always, constantly talking about. It’s also a hard thing to go through and it’s even harder to go through it alone. I really wish it would go away. With that being said, this will lead us into our topic for today, How does COVID-19 affect Life as we know it now.

Ever since this pandemic occurred, life has gotten harder for teenagers. Why? Well as we remember before the Coronavirus outbreak, people were able to go out to dinner, go see a movie at the movie theater, go to an amusement park, etc… I believe you know where I am going with this. With that being said things have obviously changed. More or less activities are harder to do right now because we have to wear a mask, wear gloves, and stand six feet apart from others. Which is very difficult because we aren’t used to something like this. “This is the new normal”. What I’m trying to say is most teenagers are getting really sad and depressed because they are stuck in their rooms doing nothing because some parents are strict about the Coronavirus and aren’t able to see their friends at all. It’s affecting us in a bad way because there is less socializing with other people, there are limited activities that you can do.

Published By: Anastasia & Ariana B.


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