As you can see by the title, Is this a question you have been asking yourself? It’s been on your mind all day and you can’t find the answer that you are looking for. Well I’m about to answer that question for you. Life isn’t something that you chose, it is something that is given to you. On the other hand, it is your choice on how you want to live your life. Do things that you want to do. This could mean, go sky diving, climb a mountain, go cliff diving with your friends, create the perfect picture, lay it in the place that you think and feel, and be determined to get it. The question“ Is this the life I want?” is open ended. It can mean so many things. There is no right or wrong answer.

Reality is the existence of things that are happening in the present time. With that being said, right now it is your choice to be able to do and get the things that you want. You have the option to make your life as real as you want. You make your life worth it, do the unexpected, do crazy things, make your life real. What i am trying to say when i stated “ make your life real”, i’m trying to tell you that if you want to do something- that one thing that you wanted to do throughout your whole life, go and do it. It’s like another saying to go and make your dreams come true. Don’t procrastinate and tell yourself “ i’ll do it when i have time or i will do it in a little later”, NO don’t do that. If you want to do something just go for it you only live once. You will never know if your life will come to an end. In my perspective I would want a life where I am happy and to travel the world. Because the world has so much to give and take, because that is what it is, that is what it was made to do. Give or Take. God has put you in this world for a reason and purpose. So, it’s up to you to find that purpose and choose the life that you want to live.

There are about 7.594 billion people in this world. Not everyone has a plan for themselves and has their life planned out. It takes time and patience to figure out what and who you want to be.
People across the world are living a life that they did not want or didn’t ask for. The people who are living a type of life that they do not desire, I am going to tell you to start living the life you have always dreamed of. How? Well start off by waking up the next morning, get yourself ready for the day, eat a good breakfast, watch or listen to something that will get you hyped up, and go out into the world and do whatever you want. Start saving money for extraordinary vacation places you have always wanted to go to. You only live once. Now is the chance to do so. You said you wanted to live a life you wanted, well it all starts with you. You are the main focus to a new or better life that you want to live. Yeah it may be a challenge but climb that mountain to the top and don’t stop.

Published By: Ariana N.B.



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