I know that I can say this for every teenager out there, that when it comes to music it hits differently. When you turn up the volume to your favorite song, you get into a good mood and you get this rush of adrenaline because of the excitement and this feeling that you can’t really explain because you are so happy. Sometimes when you have your headphones in or just have the radio on, you get this feeling of relaxation. It’s probably because it’s helping you calm your nerves or take your mind off of things. Whether you’re out with your friends or sitting at home, music always turns to a topic you talk about because that’s something everyone is interested in.

I believe that whatever type of song or genre music you listen to, it always has a story behind the lyrics that are being spoken about. Songs that tell a story, are songs where people can most relate to because it could be about a previous event that has happened to them throughout their lifetime. This is why teens listen to music.
Some of us teens listen to what parents like to call “depressing music,” in some situations it isn’t really depressing. It’s because the words that are being mentioned, have us connected to the song. This type of music makes us feel at ease. It’s okay to listen to this type of music, it’s a narrative that is giving a voice that people can respond to. On the other hand, if you do have depression and aren’t in an upbeat mood, then there is a chance that you are bringing your self esteem down by listening to this variety of music.

What I am trying to say is that music helps teens calm down and make them feel relaxed and sometimes makes us feel safe. When you are feeling like you need to block out the world and think to yourself, you listen to music to help you think. Music is our therapy. It makes us cry and get out all the pain, sadness, and anger. It makes us feel good.

Published By: Anastasia B.



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