For anyone out there reading this, I just want you to know that you are not in this alone. You will always have some to care for you during the darkest times. Just keep that in mind.

You know how people say “ leave the past in the past and look toward the future”, well I’m going to tell you something similar to that. Leave the past behind you and move forward into a new direction. Things will get better if you keep moving forward. It may be hard but you got this. You have to believe in yourself in order to walk a path you want to be in. If you want to change and live a better life, you have to pass the negativity and all the bad things that have happened to you. Leave everything that you want to forget about and move on. You will feel so relieved after you do this. Believe me I know. To be honest it’s so much harder grasping onto the things that have happened to you already and having the thought in your head that “things won’t change” and “things will only get worse”. The truth is, if you have that kind of mindset like me, then you are going to continue to bring your self-esteem down and continue to rely on the things that have happened to you in the past. In addition, Bringing back subjects or problems that have happened in your life isn’t going to bring good things to you because your mind is still set on the negative things that have already occurred. You need to change the way your mind thinks when you respond to an issue. The past sometimes isn’t always a bad thing, but in this case it is. It can hurt you mentally and you wouldn’t even realize it.

Where we are at right now in life is an improvement from who we were in the past. You wouldn’t be here today if it weren’t for God. When you wake up the next morning, know that god has given you a second chance to change the mistakes that you have made and to take all the heavy weight off your shoulders from the previous day and to turn over a new leaf. Right now is the time to become someone you always wanted to be. It’s the time to achieve the goals you always wanted to achieve. And it’s the time where you get to live your best life and to be happy. We are at the age where we just want to do our own thing.

Something that you are willing to be in the future is up to you. You have to decide what path you want to take. It’s up to you if you want to do the things you love. To be successful you have to work hard to get to the place you want to be. You can’t be successful by just snapping your fingers, you are going to have to be willing to go toward the things you want, achieve what you are trying to fulfill, being prepared for the challenges you are going to face on the way, and most importantly not giving up. Giving up on something you love will bring you down a bad road. It will only lead you to something or somewhere you don’t want to be. No one is going to tell you whether you should do something or not. If they do tell you to do something you don’t want to do, speak up and tell them that “it’s your life, I do want it because that’s what i like to do”. It’s okay to be a voice.

After all, just because we are teenagers doesn’t mean we cant focus on who we want to be in the future. The future should be a “top priority” in your life. It gives you the chance to change into something you have always wanted to be.

Published by: Anastasia B.



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