Why does having anxiety, stress, or depression exist? We usually don’t know the answers to that question. We can’t figure it out, doctors, parents, teachers can’t even figure it out. Why do we go to therapists? For them to tell us what we have or already know. Why do parents tell us depression or anxiety isn’t a real thing, why do teachers pressure us into fixing something we obviously can not do?

In my opinion, everything we get told is either never true or we just don’t listen half of the time because we know what we are and having serious issues is never a joke to play around with. Depression is not a good thing, anxiety is not a good thing. All these things we go through and have to deal with are not very easy on us. It never has been and that’s why we started this company.

We originally have to push through it everyday and It can be extremely difficult to control and manage. This company is a big thing we have going on because whoever has something going on and to get off their chests or wants to go to a place with the same people who go through the same thing and want to feel connected and get help, this company is for anyone, everyone. We keep your personal experiences seriously and we do not spread it around because this company was meant for everyone to express themselves and want to feel comfortable and at home.

We are here to listen and talk, we’re not here to judge or laugh because one way or another we all might be different ages, come from harsh or perfect families, but one thing we will always go through with each other is wanting a place to express yourself and feel comfortable telling your stories, getting everything off your chest and wanting to feel safe without getting told constantly “It’s not a real thing, you don’t have this or that”. The biggest one I think we have all heard was “It can be cured”.

Published by Gabriella C.



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