To this day I can acknowledge the lessons I have learned throughout my life and reflect on how much I have grown. I have conducted a list of life lessons that I have learned (some will have a summary & some will not). These lessons made me the person I am today- strong, creative, inspirational, beautiful, and symbolic. I can guarantee you that I am not the only person who has learned these lessons, and I can guarantee you that it is good to think about the things that you have witnessed growing up and how you can reflect on it personally. At our age we realize that life shouldn’t be taken for granted. We all know that. So, stop and take a moment to realize the life lessons you have learned. “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.”-C.S. Lewis

1.) Tell your loved ones you love them:

You never know what someone is going through. Whether it’s family or a friend, you should always remind them that they are loved and cared for. It is important to express your love to someone you care about because you never know what could happen. The scariest thing is that if one day you lose someone you love, you would regret not being able to tell them that you loved them. So, say I love you and let them know you care about them.

2.) Find your independence:

This is a lesson I am still working on personally. But what I have learned so far is that having some sort of independence is important. It is important because you should be able to be okay with being in your own space. It is hard for me to build my independence right now because I was always dependent on having my twin sister with me 24/7. Now things are different, and I must grow onto the fact that I must start living my own life as an individual. Finding your independence is about finding yourself. It is a journey to search for who you really are.

3.) Everything happens for a reason

4.) Always communicate

5.) Trauma becomes a battle scar:

One of the toughest life lessons I learned was that my trauma has made me stronger. I realized that my trauma could never go away, it is something that I must live with. Even if it happened in the past, at an earlier age, your trauma becomes a wound that shows you that you have survived. That you have fought through the pain and suffering that you went through.

6.) People come and go:

As I got older, and as most people know, people come and go. Not all people stay present in your life. As I was growing up, I realized little by little that people started to come around less and eventually never came back. As hard as it is to witness people leave at a young age, it made me grateful for the people who did stick around. The lesson of people coming and going helps you prepare for the future, so at the age of 10 I felt like I was prepared for this to happen as I got older. So, at 19years old, I see now that it is okay to realize that not everyone is going to be present in your life because that is a part of life.

7.) Taking the time to find yourself:

Taking care of yourself is one of the most important things you can do for yourself. It is so very important to put yourself first. It is important to be able to look in the mirror and see the love within yourself.  Taking the time to find yourself is crucial. It is the time for you to fully understand who you want to be and who you were made to be. Personally, it took me years to find myself. I am still finding myself, but I have made progress even though I felt like I wasn’t. What helped me find myself was by journaling, drawing or painting, and just spending time with myself.

8.) Pushing yourself to stay motivated even at your lowest:

As you know, I suffer from severe anxiety and depression, so when I am at my lowest point, I feel like there’s nothing left for me to do. At least that’s what I used to think. Now understanding that when I feel lost and sad and miserable, I must get myself up and do something that would increase my self-esteem. As hard as it is to push yourself, you have to think to yourself “I am okay, I can do this”. Go to the gym, go for a walk, write, sit outside, listen to upbeat music, etc. There are plenty of activities for you to do to make yourself feel better. Simply having a conversation with someone can make you feel some relief, so you don’t feel like you are dealing with it alone.

9.) It’s okay to be alone:

I learned that at some point you must understand that it is okay to be alone and by yourself sometimes. You aren’t going to be able to see people 24/7. You aren’t going to be able to surround yourself with people all the time. People have their own lives to live. So, in the time of being alone, when I am sitting by myself in my room, instead of getting depressed and lost in my thoughts, I recognized that being alone can be a valuable opportunity for me to self-reflect and find personal growth. It allows you to recharge, pursue your interests, and develop a deeper understanding within yourself. Embracing solitude could lead to greater self-awareness and inner peace. Most people think that being alone has a negative impact, but it’s something positive.

10.) The difference between right and wrong

Learning the difference between right and wrong is a fundamental life lesson that shapes our character and decision-making. It involves understanding the consequences of our actions, developing empathy, and recognizing the impact we have on others. This moral compass guides us in making ethical choices, fostering trust, and building meaningful relationships. By learning from our mistakes and reflecting on our values, we grow into responsible and compassionate individuals who contribute positively to society.

11.) Your mental health is very important

Taking care of your mental health is a priority. Your mental health reflects on your actions. If you are sad, you feel hopeless, if you are depressed, you feel unmotivated and less productive. All your emotions and feelings depend on your mindset. Meaning that by understanding and shifting your mindset, you can improve your mental health, decrease stress, and become more resilient to life’s challenges. Taking care of your mental health shows that you care about yourself and that you are determined to better yourself, to be less doubtful, less stressed, and less anxious. I learned the hard way. I dined helping myself for many years and realized that I can’t live this depressing, sad life anymore. So, I turned myself around with plenty of self-care and now I am happier than ever.

12.) Step out of your comfort zone

Sticking to what you already know and what you do on a normal basis, you should try stepping out of your comfort zone. I learned that you aren’t going to experience life without stepping out of your bubble. Make a mistake, do something, wild, stay up late, go out, experience the rights and wrongs in life. You aren’t going to be young forever.

13.) Learned How to Love Myself

14.) You can’t please everyone

For many years, I wanted to make everyone happy (my family). I would always beat myself up if someone wasn’t happy or if there was an argument, or any type of conflict because I wanted to resolve it. I was determined to find every way possible to make sure everyone would be happy with one another. Due to my family trauma and events that occurred in my past, I felt it was my responsibility to keep everyone together. But during that time, I didn’t realize that I wasn’t focusing on making myself happy or even taking care of myself. I learned now that taking on the role of being in-between situations and trying to resolve every issue was not healthy for my mental wellbeing. I also learned that it is okay to help here and there but taking care of your own happiness is very important in life.

15.) Having a consistent routine; building a routine

16.) Live your life to the fullest:

Living life to the fullest is about embracing every moment, finding joy in the simplest things, and making the most of our time here on earth. It’s about seeking experiences that bring us fulfillment, growth, and happiness. It’s about defining what brings us joy and pursing it with passion. It’s rarely about acquiring more things and more about acquiring more richness in things that can never be taken from us. We should live life to the fullest by fostering positive emotions and looking at negative events as learning experiences and practicing mindfulness.

17.) Family is not always the only bond

18.) Life is not fair

19.) It takes time to find your soulmate; there is hope:

Ever since my last relationship, I didn’t think that I would ever find my soulmate. I was previously in toxic and abusive relationships and from that experience, I never had any hope to finding a partner for life. But I was very wrong. I am currently in the healthiest relationship I could ever wish to be in. I am the luckiest girl in the world, to have found someone so special to me. I am happy, thankful, faithful, and very passionate about the person I am with. I was set on preparing myself for a life without a soulmate until I meet mine. He is everything I prayed and wished for. In my past i was so broken and going through a dangerous mental state of mind. But my partner has showed me what loyalty, trust, and most importantly what love is supposed to look like. So, from my point of view, and for those who think they will never find someone, it is not true. There is someone out there for you. Love happens naturally and can happen any day at any time. With that being said, there is hope, I am proof that there is hope.

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