Most of us have insecurities that we are not proud of. We are disappointed, ashamed, or upset because we see pieces of ourselves that we do not enjoy. We see our flaws even when others may not see them. But either way, we don’t give enough credit to the unperfect pieces of who we are.
As humans, we adapt to what others think of us. We imitate someone just to make ourselves feel better. This is our reality. This is how our minds work. We are constantly trying to be good enough for people who don’t realize our true worth. Either people don’t know who you genuinely are or it’s a general fact of being stuck in a cycle of trying to please others. Again, this is our reality. This is what our world has come to and it’s difficult to acknowledge this because everyone is trying so hard to be perfect, and I am guilty of this. I try so hard to make sure that people don’t see my pain, or I am always making sure I am laughing and putting a smile on my face, but the reality for me is that I genuinely feel like I am not good enough. I pick and pick at all my insecurities. I wear makeup every day because I am worried about what people may think if I take it off. I am worried about what people may think of me if I don’t present a certain body type.
There are thousands of flaws and insecurities that I deal with, and maybe you are struggling with these things as well. But overall, I know that there are many of us who feel this type of way sometimes and that’s ok. it’s okay to not be perfect, its ok to critique yourself, but if you do feel these emotions about yourself, make sure you express these feelings in a way that can help you better yourself. It took me days, weeks, months, even years to embrace my flaws and to stop comparing myself to others.

I have listed ways that helped me embrace my flaws, and hopefully this can help you too!
Published by Anastasia Baez, 4/17/24
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