As we glance back at the years of elementary school, junior high, and high school, we don’t realize the importance of living in the real world. Nothing is limited. The world is open to us. The number of opportunities that lie in our hands is all up to us now. Moving forward through your first year of college or the end of your senior year of high school, most teenagers don’t realize that once you are on your own- your future is in your hands. We all grow up at some point. No one is there to guide you or hold your hand. You have the chance to make the life you have always dreamed about. You have a variety of career options. Such as marketing, entrepreneurship, mechanics, engineering, teaching/education, or obtaining your doctorate. These are all examples of what you can possess as a career choice. And yes, this is exciting, but it is scary! We are now filled with new emotions. For example, Anxiety places a big role here. The challenge of completing your goals has its ups and downs. You can’t conquer something without failing. You can’t succeed at something on your first try. It takes time, effort and dedication to complete a certain task that you put your mind to. As well as putting yourself before others is something that helps you focus on the bigger picture in life. You must understand how to take care of yourself before taking care of someone else. Specifically, when you are trying to formulate a plan for your life.
Moving forward, below is a discussion I had with Alexa Sabatini and Tylor Sabatini. Alexa graduated from Pace University in NYC and Taylor graduated from Temple University in Philadelphia. Here are there take aways about their college experiences to help new students and young adults starting in the real world.

“I remember feeling so excited but so nervous and scared at the same time. I think I had to stop myself from crying on the car ride into the city. It’s definitely an overwhelming feeling. I believe that we all have to push ourselves out of our comfort zones in order to grow and learn. I was definitely sad to leave all my friends and family.
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