There Is always positive and negative feedback that you can receive when trying to have someone listen to you about what you are struggling with mentally. Take It from someone who has been In a position where people have told me to “man up” or “stop being dramatic”, these comments made me feel like I couldn’t talk to anyone because I believed that that’s what everyone would end up telling me or In general along those lines. But I was wrong. I found people who understood what I was going through and they gave me advice that really benefited me. What I am trying to say Is that not everyone will listen. Sometimes not even your loved ones would understand or let you be heard. But you have to understand that not everyone Is going to be there to listen and that’s okay. Sometimes figuring things out on your own Is a good thing, It shows Independence.

Opening up to someone Is challenging as you may know, but you can’t let something challenging stop you from expressing your emotions and feelings. There Is always one person who Is going to listen and help you If you need It. By personal experience, I am going to tell you that It took years and months to finally open up to someone. You will feel relieved when talking about your thoughts openly. Of course, there are going to be people who are going to judge you, but you know what, who cares about what those people are saying about you, as long as you feel good when you express yourself because that’s all that matters.


  • Having someone relatable to talk to because they are going through what you are going through
  • feeling relieved that you had to get something off of your chest
  • builds trust and honesty
  • builds stronger bonds
  • enhances empathy
  • knowing that you are not the only person going through what you are dealing with

There is a limited list of cons to opening up about your mental health, such as judgment, people telling you what you already know, and people not understanding. These are all normal things that you will experience, so don’t give up. If you or a loved one needs someone to talk to or have someone to listen to than don’t hesitate to contact us here on this post or our social media accounts.


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