Positive growth.

Before I explain how to practice self love, let’s learn about the basics.

Self-love is a state of appreciation for oneself that grows from actions that support our physical, psychological and spiritual growth. Self-love means taking care of your own needs and not sacrificing your well-being to please others. Self-love means not settling for less than you deserve. The meaning of self-love is different for everyone. We all have different ways of caring for ourselves.

My Experience:

“Self love was a process that I really enjoyed. I’ve never felt so proud about myself. Loving my figure, my inner beauty, and my personality were all statements that I wanted to be known to my inner self. Understanding who I really am as a human being was something that really boosted my self esteem and confidence. It was very hard to be where I am today but going through the process of finding and conquering self-love made me realize that every second of that process was worth It. This process Is not easy but not hard either. If you put your mind to it, you are capable of finding your own self love.”-Anastasia Baez

What Does Self-Love Mean To You?

For example:

-Talking about yourself with love

  • Your main focus is to care for yourself before anything else
    -Trusting yourself
    -Being true to yourself
    -Setting healthy boundaries

To gain a better idea about how to love yourself or how to love yourself, take a look at the list below:

-Take a break from work, school, or anything that Is causing you to have stress:

Stress can be a problem especially when you are trying to care for yourself. Putting yourself in difficult situations and constantly doing something, can make you feel more drained and restless.

-Put down your phone, ipad, computer, and try to focus on connecting with yourself and others:

The use of technology can be a common objective when connecting with yourself. Putting down your phone for a few hours can be very beneficial for you physically and mentally. In those hours you will feel more alive because you are living in that moment, not having any distractions, and being able to socialize with the people around instead of socializing through devices. This leads us to our next topic.

How and Why You Should Practice Self-Love:

It is an important concept to learn how to love yourself. Being dependent on other people’s opinions and looks- about you from their point of view, is not a good thing to continue to listen to. You need to set those people aside and look at your reflection in the mirror. 

At most times we all have a moment of weakness when you are doubting yourself or if someone is doubting you. No matter what the case is, you have to believe in yourself, even when nobody does. Throughout the upcoming days, life is going to continue being a challenge. Either for the people around you or you. Everyone is going through their own challenges physically or even mentally. But you need to persistently remind yourself that there are no shortcuts In life. Everything takes time, everything will move at it’s own pace. Remember that. Every morning when you wake up, remind yourself that everyday is a new beginning.

Published by Anastasia B, 03/24/22

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