It’s time to change
It’s time for your life to be rearranged
It’s time to be different
Yet make a difference
It’s time to learn
Yet know what you learn
It’s time to wake up
Yet really awaken
It’s time to smile genuinely
Yet when your upset
It’s time to push
Yet fight
It’s time to accept
Not push away
It’s time to take control of your own mind instead of your mind controlling you. You can only imagine how hard and how much you suffer if you let your mind control you. YOU get to decide. YOU!
It’s time to move on
It’s time to make the life that you want
No more pain and agony
No more tears to be shed
No more political/ systemic problems
It’s time for the world to change and you can change the world
It all starts with you…
Published by: Ariana N. Baez
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