Pop culture, also known as “Popular Culture, is generally recognized as a society that incorporates different practices, beliefs, and events that are relevant in a specific period of time. For example, in 2021, the most common pop culture category is entertainment(music, movies, sports, and video-games). There is a variety of generas and categories in pop culture today(politics, news/people, celebrities, fashion,etc).

We can all agree that Pop culture is a topic that most teens are interested in. Pop culture is always evolving, engaging new trends, and leaving the old ones behind but never forgotten. Pop culture is important to the younger generations today. Over the past several years, younger generations have changed pop culture dramatically. What I mean by this is that, over the past year, researchers found that culture helps humans adapt to their environment and to overcome challenges faster. Cultures are changing at a higher extent as the years go on.

Why Is Pop Culture Important To Us Today?

Learning and experiencing new cultures from all around the world is important. “why?” The answer is it incorporates important social and economic benefits to get a better understanding of the people in our society. Culture can be expressed in many ways and forms. By telling stories, remembering the past, and finding the value of one anothers culture is beneficial to everyone.

Pop Culture today is important to us because it provides opportunities for both individual happiness and bonding for one another. Pop culture has changed us teenagers to the point where we look on social media 24/7 and wish for the things that we do not have. This is a negative impact for us because it can bring down our self-esteem. The impact of pop culture leads us to believe that it can reveal what society thinks about itself, but it can also be used as an effect of social change. Pop culture surrounds us and influences us on a daily basis.

The Origin of Pop Culture

Pop culture originated by the middle class during the 1920’s. Pop culture introduced society to jazz music, night clubs, and automobiles. By the end of World War 1, people in their early twenties reflected a new era of prosperity and freedom. The growth of urbanization, industrialization, and the mass media growth of technology takes part of a big role in Pop culture.

Pop culture has evolved tremendously over the decades. Fashion is whatever we want it to be. Technology has created a society obsessed with social media and we now have reality television, YouTube celebrities, and music videos. Decades before the significant factors in the formation of popular culture. These factors are shaping pop culture today.

The Rise

The significance of cultural and social changes. Capitalism, specifically had the need to generate profits to make newly invented goods. The meaning of popular culture then began to merge with that of mass culture, consumer culture, image culture, media culture, and culture created by manufacturers for mass consumption.

Published by Anastasia B.





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