What Is Anxiety? Anxiety Is a feeling of worry or typically a response to tress. It Is also an action to fear when you are uncommon with a certain situation.

Symptoms of Anxiety:

  • Feeling nervous, restless, or tense
  • Having a sense of panic or danger
  • Breathing rapidly
  • Feeling weak or tired
  • Shakiness
  • Trouble concentrating or thinking about multiple things at once
  • Having trouble sleeping
  • difficulty controlling worry

A variety of people have suffered from anxiety. Most anxiety symptoms rise up when you are also dealing with depression. I know this because i suffer from anxiety and depression. Having both is even harder to deal with all at once.

There are ways that you can help yourself “control” your anxiety when it is at an “extreme level.” What i mean by “control” and “extreme levels” is that, there are ways to help yourself stay calm when you are at a really tough- struggling point. For example, when your on a verge of having an “anxiety/panic attack”, you need to focus on your breathing or start talking about a different topic because what happens is that you get stuck inside your head and you need to focus on something that you aren’t thinking about in your head. I know this sounds confusing but i am trying to describe it as easy as possible.

Controlling yourself is the key to anxiety- besides having medication. If you don’t have medication to control your anxiety/ and or depression- than you need to find ways to get your mind off of bad, stressful, and negative situations.

On the other hand, if you do start taking medication, the medicine can only do so much- the rest is up to you. What i mean by this, is that besides relying on your medicine to make you feel better- you also need to do things that make you feel better about yourself and to do things that make you happy. If you do both those things, you will have positive outcomes.

Seeking for help when it comes to the point where your anxiety and depression is appalling, you need to ask someone for help. Your friends and family can only speak to you and motivate you, but if you ask a professionally(therapist or doctor), than you will really help yourself.

If you are the type of person who doesn’t trust easily, i totally understand where you are coming from. I am not the type of person to trust people with anything, but obviously I grew out of that phase. I learned how to trust people over the years and to see who my true friends are and to see if they really cared about me. I takes time to trust someone. So if your the person who doesn’t trust people- that’s okay because you will eventually meet someone who you can trust and share everything with, and this goes for a friendship or a relationship.

Published by Anastasia B.



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