National Suicide Prevention week is September 5th to the 11th. This moth is for the people who have struggled with thoughts about suicide and it is also for the people who need help and comfort that they need to keep moving forward.

Having Suicidal thoughts doesn’t matter at whatever age, gender, or background. Most mental health conditions can affect anyone. If you have any type of thought of suicide, you should not believe that it is normal because it could be a serious and or real problem. If you don’t seek help right away, there is a chance that those thoughts might get worse and you could possible start becoming more depressed, less motivated, and distance yourself from the people around you.

We use this month to spread hope and vital information to people affected by suicide. Our goal is to ensure others, such as individuals, friends and families that we have access to the resources they need to discuss suicide prevention and to seek help. You are not alone and we will ensure you that we can help you in any way possible, all you need to do is get in contact with us(there is a contact form under the “Teen Line” category).

Below is a written list of facts that you should know about Suicide. It is important that we all look out for the signs of people who might be having suicidal thoughts, ways that you can help those people suffering, and more.

  1. Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the US for all ages. (CDC)

2. Every day, approximately 130 Americans die by suicide. (CDC)

3.There is one death by suicide in the US every 11 minutes. (CDC)

4. Depression affects 20-25% of Americans ages 18+ in a given year. (CDC)

5. Suicide takes the lives of over 48,500 Americans every year. (CDC)

6. Only half of all Americans experiencing an episode of major depression receive treatment. (NAMI)

7. 80% -90% of people that seek treatment for depression are treated successfully using therapy and/or medication. (TADS study)

8. An estimated 285,000 each year become suicide survivors (AAS).

9. There is one suicide for every estimated 25 suicide attempts. (CDC)

10. There is one suicide for every estimated 4 suicide attempts in the elderly. (CDC)

11. Here are 5 warning signs of suicidal behavior:

-Talking about dying or wanting to die
-Talking about feeling empty, hopeless, or having no way out of problems
-Mentioning strong feelings of guilt and shame
-Talking about not having a reason to live or that others would be better off without them
-Social withdrawal and isolation
-Giving away personal items and wrapping up loose ends
-Saying goodbye to friends and family

MUST READ: If someone you know is struggling emotionally or having a hard time,  you can be the difference in getting them the help they need. It’s important to take care of yourself when you are supporting someone through a difficult time, as this may stir up difficult emotions. If it does, please reach out for support yourself.

Here states the suicide prevention hotline number: 800-273-8255

Published by Ariana N. and Anastasia M. Baez


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