When being a leader, what is one thing that you look for in that person? The answer is attitude. When you take on a leadership role, your attitude is the most important thing to control. Whether you are team captain for a sports team, Coach of a sports game, or Class president in your school. The attitude that a leader has is having a motivational voice, not letting there people down who are looking up to them, being there for those people, and proving to them that you are there for them in any way, shape, or form. Your attitude is one of the greatest things a leader can have. Leadership isn’t about being afraid of what people are going to say, leadership is about proving your haters wrong and doing the things that are helping out your community and the people around you. Your attitude is something that can have a big effect on people, your attitude is like a voice that should be heard when you are trying to make a difference- so don’t let anyone silence you.

There is a variety of ways that you need in order to become a leader, but you don’t need to be in charge of a team, or in charge of a class full of people. What you really need is to be a leader for yourself.

Being a leader for yourself, you want to be the type of person who sets boundaries for yourself. You don’t want to be the type of person who is always following other peoples doings. For example, listening to someones opinion about how you dress or listening to someones opinion on what you drive or how much money you make. These are some of the things that you need to set boundaries with. If you enjoy how you dress, what you drive, or how much money you make than you have come to an agreement with yourself. You are setting boundaries between yourself and those people. Don’t let anyone’s word take you for granted because most of the time those people are probably jealous about how you look or how much money you have- you have the things that they wish that they had.

Other than setting boundaries for yourself, another way of important leadership is there personality. Having personality traits such as being adventurous- exploring the unknown and taking risks, determined- willing to set your mind onto one thing and achieving it, energetic- always working non stop and to be uplifting 24/7, and last but not least being happy. Happiness is the true key to leadership. A leader is all about being positive all the time, helping and caring for others, never negative about anything that comes there way, and always making the people around them smile.

Overall there are many different skills that make a leader. But, i believe that everyone can be a leader if they put there minds to it and believe in themselves. If you want to make a difference and help others- than you should consider yourself a leader. Even if you are doing a small task for someone- you are making a difference. No matter what problems you are going through, not matter how much money you inherited- it doesn’t matter. Most leaders start from nothing but you have to build up to something. If you want to be a leader, than be a leader. No one is stopping you.

Published by Anastasia Marie B.



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