First impressions, first glances.
First word, first act.
Second, assuming,guessing.
Second is the feeling of guilt, the feeling of disappointment, just-feeling.
Healing or peeling like the paint off the ceiling.

Over the years we ignore that as humans, as one world, we take one look at someone and automatically think that you know them. And oftentimes you assume something negative about the person. But you don’t know them, you don’t know who they are, where they came from. You don’t know them.

It can be from the color of their skin to the way they talk.
It can be from the clothes they wear that are raggedy or not, to the type of shoes on their feet.
It can be from their job to the stores they shop at, like a mall or a thrift store.

Every time you look at someone you should remind yourself “to not judge a book by it’s cover.” If you see someone being weirdly suspicious, or you have any reason to believe that they are violent or feel as if you weren’t safe, then that’s a different occasion. But I’m talking about
-assuming that someone is dangerous based on the color of their skin. I’m talking about -assuming someone that is wearing nice jewelry or a watch, that they are snobby rich people. I’m talking about
-assuming that someone is mean based on if they are frustrated or hearing the tone of their voice.
ALL of these reasons or whatever it is Sometimes your assumptions can be correct, but that is like not even 1 in a million. Because it is proven that 100% of assumptions are ALWAYS wrong. The point of this is the fact that you SHOULDN’T judge a book by it’s cover. It’s from within that matters.

My character is my soul.
My heart makes me, me.
I can be nice,
I can be mean,
But that’s not really me.

My hair can be a mess
My dress can be from Guess.
My shoes shouldn’t define me and make me feel less.
My life, our life, is like a game of chess.
One wrong move and it can be a mess.

I have my times,
I have my fights.
I have my doubts and sad moments.
But, I can make people smile and laugh.
I can open my ears and you can talk for hours.

See there’s so much to me, and to you, and to everyone you see or meet.
They’ve got a story,
they’ve got a whole different life.
They might not be what they seem, therefore don’t spread chatter.
So, don’t judge a book by it’s cover, it is from within that matters.

Published By: Ariana N. Baez



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