It’s an easy walk before you start climbing a mountain. But when you start walking up the mountain, it gets steeper and more challenging. In order to get to the top of the mountain, you have to push yourself to keep moving forward and to use all your strength to reach the top. Just like life you start off easy and simple, but than you reach a point where you come across difficult situations were it’s hard to get out of. Isn’t that what life is about? Facing challenges and over coming them? Being in a difficult situation and finding a solution to the problem? Life is all about the bumps in the road. That’s what makes life-life. All we know so far is that life isn’t always what it seems.

As young adults we make tons of mistakes and do things we aren’t supposed to be doing. I’m pretty positive that everyone can agree with me on this because it’s a true statement. Most of our mistakes and decisions come from the people around us. Am i right or am i right? At least 95% of our decisions come from the people we surround ourselves with. Those decisions might lead you in a bad direction. Peoples actions rely on what you do in the next situation or how you respond to the actions those people have done. It’s like cause and effect. If something bad happens or something unexpected, it effects you in a positive or negative way. Most of the time the cause and effect of a situation results on having a bad impact on you. For example if someone peer pressures you into doing something you weren’t willing to do. You were forced into a situation that you weren’t expected. If someone peer pressures you into doing that thing, than you are most likely going to do it and it’s going to leave a bad mark after. Doing things you know are very very very dangerous or wrong, than you shouldn’t be doing it. Get out of the situation as fast as possible because if you don’t your going to keep doing the wrong thing and you will continue making wrong decisions. Do you really want to live that way? All we know so far, is that we know what is wrong but we do things without really thinking about it. In my opinion stay away from the people who you know are doing the wrong things and who are leading you into a bad direction.

All we know so far is that time fly’s by. The next thing you know it you’ll be in college already. The next thing you know it you will have a house and you have started a family. STOP FOR A SECOND! You need to realize that time goes by fast within a blink of an eye. So stop taking your time and stop procrastinating. Start checking off things on your bucket list and LIVE LIFE. Everyone grows up so fast. You look back and realized that you didn’t get to complete your bucket list or got the chance to do things you wish you could have done. You only have one life, so i suggest to complete or start creating a list of things that you want to do before it’s too late. Don’t let depression or anxiety or any type of mental or physical health issue get in the way of your happiness. Believe me i know from experience that having a mental health issue is difficult to push through, but you need to force yourself to do the impossible and try to find happiness. It doesn’t matter who or what makes you happy, just do it because you never know what could happen tomorrow.

Published by Anastasia B.



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