I’ve always had a repeated thought in the back of my head- “ where and who will I be in the future?” When high school is over, where will I go? What career am I going to have? Who am I going to be? The answer is I’m not sure. It may seem like I have my whole life figured out (most of it) but I don’t. There are still blank spaces that I need to figure out. It’s okay to not have the rest of your life figured out. But on the other hand, you should have a general idea of what you want to do or who you want to become. If you don’t have any type of plan, then you might want to start forming a list. Having some kind of interest in something is important because it can lead to a career someday. Wouldn’t you want to make money instead of living off your parents, wouldn’t you want to have a career that fits your abilities and talents, wouldn’t you want to go places that you haven’t been before, wouldn’t you want to become a better/ successful person? These are the questions that you should ask yourself. What are you willing to do in order to get where you want to be in the future?

The main focus of who you want to be, what you want to do with your life, is all about what you’re good at and who you want to be. To live a happy life is to do what you’re good at, to be in an environment where you feel at home and safe. Money isn’t going to bring you happiness, it’s the thought of being successful. Happiness comes from doing the things you love and being with the people you love. Life doesn’t come easy and I’m sure you know that. There are going to be days where you feel unworthy, but that feeling fades away. You’re not going to be unhappy for the rest of your life, unless you don’t push yourself to find happiness. surround yourself with positive, motivated people. Be with people who believe that you have a future ahead of you. Be with people who are constantly by your side. 

Most importantly what I’m trying to say is, have a plan. Start figuring out who you want to be. Start to find the things that you are passionate about. Don’t wait until the last minute because you might rush into something you’re not interested in, you will be miserable and unhappy. 5 years from now you will look back and wish you should have taken my advice. 5 years from now you are going to be a completely different person, whether it’s in a good effective way or in a bad effective way. You should see yourself as a successful person who isn’t afraid of stating your profession. You should be proud of yourself for what you do. Take my advice. Please. I’m here to help you and motivate you to take a chance and to be determined to find the things you are interested in and to live a happy, victorious life. 

Published by Anastasia B.



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