As teenagers we meet new people, travel to different places, and explore new opportunities. When you walk through the doors into your first year in high school, everything changes-your life changes. Mostly our decision making is 95% of our parents permission and the other 5% is up to us. Is that fair? In my opinion, it’s a yes and no answer. I believe that it depends on who you are, where you came from, how you act towards certain situations, what kind of mind set your in, and overall who you want to become in the future. Making your own decisions are important. Especially in high school. I’m not saying to make decisions by yourself because you are going to need some guidance from the people who care about you, and who you really really trust. Trusting in others is difficult and that’s why you need to really think about who you are talking to because you never know if they can turn on you or use your words against you. If you are stuck in a certain situation and two people are telling you what to do and you don’t know who to listen too, take a minute and think about what you want to do. It’s up to you to make the decisions that are best for yourself.

When you want to live a dream that you are constantly dreaming about, it’s challenging to make it actually come true. To me that is the fun thing about it. To be honest it’s not all exciting when you get something you want right away. Wouldn’t you want to enjoy the process and the journey you are going on to get where you want to be? Because i do! If your an adventurous person and a risk taker, you should feel really good about yourself during the process and at the end of the process. To live a dream, it’s all about the process that you are going through to achieve that dream. It’s that simple. In order to be happy and feel good about yourself, it’s about how much hard work you put into a certain goal and how far you have come to get there. Pushing yourself to get something done is worth it in the end. Procrastinating, waiting a while longer, will get you know where. You and I know it. So i’m telling you to wake up in the morning, get your S**T together and work for what you want or else you are going to be miserable and unhappy with the rest of your life. You need to get out of your comfort zone and start something new for yourself. Be a better you.

Published by Anastasia B.



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