One of the biggest goals I have achieved so far as a teenager is that there is no such thing as giving up. I always had a hard time staying motivated and on top of what I wanted to achieve. I know I’m not the only person out there who feels this way. I understand how you are feeling, I’ve been there. It’s hard to stay motivated when you are feeling helpless, insecure, and not worthy. I know that feeling because I have been that way ever since a young age. But, I know now that you can change the way you are feeling and thinking that you mean nothing because you do mean something, you have a purpose- everyone does. Just know you’re not alone, i learned that the hard way. 

Being motivated and feeling important is a goal that I always wanted to accomplish. But I found my way to succeed and achieve that goal. It was hard and took a lot of time to work, but I managed and worked through it. I’m somewhat happy about that.  Achieving something that you believe is impossible, turns out to be possible. I thought that some of the goals that i wanted to achieve weren’t going to happen because i believed that there was no hope, and that there was no one by my side to tell me that nothing is impossible. Well for those people who feel alone, I’m going to tell you that nothing is impossible. 

How did I achieve my goals? I kept my guard up, didn’t let negative thoughts stop me from doing things I wanted to do, tried over and over again until it was accomplished, talked out my problems, and I found people who kept a smile on my face. Most importantly I kept fighting. You’re not going to knock out someone the first round, it’s going to take a few hits to get back up and try harder to get what you want. Achieving your goals is about setting yourself in the right mindset, not being a procrastinator, owning up to your mistakes, and to keep trying! 

Published by Anastasia B.


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