When you get beaten up or beaten down you walk home and try to cover up all those bruises and blood, those cuts, from whoever it may be. You feel ashamed, disappointed, overall weak. But you’re not weak, you’re strong. Why? Because you survived. Survival is one of the strongest things to take in, to conquer. And surviving sometimes is the worst kind of pain, but the fact is to never give up. You’ve survived a horrible act of violence or even just a bully beat up, but YOU survived. That is hard, trust me I know what that’s like. Feeling ashamed, disappointed, feeling like you are nothing but an easy crushing pea, tiny and weak. I ask myself sometimes “how much pain do you have to go through until giving up is okay?” I’ve never gotten an answer until now. That answer is…giving up isn’t an option and isn’t the answer. Getting back up, pushing yourself further, pushing yourself up back onto your feet, now that is the answer I’ve gotten. Never let the person get the best of you no matter how much they’ve hurt you, show them that your mending heart cannot be touched, it can only be touched by you and what you decide to do next. It’s a difficult thing to get back up, and it takes a hell of a long time to get through it but it’s not about having time, it’s about making time. Make time to fix yourself when you feel at your most vulnerable, make time to fix yourself when you feel broken. Make time for YOU. Yeah sometimes suffering is just suffering. It doesn’t make you stronger. It doesn’t build your character, it only hurts, and like I said surviving is the worst kind of pain. But after you’ve gotten through the worst, the best is yet to come. You need to believe in yourself and the actuality of needing to believe that you’ve gotten though the worst for you to keep going.
When your eyes open in the morning, or when you’ve taken in an incredible about of pain, a treachery of words, God has decided that it’s not time for you to go even when you feel deep deep down like it is, it really isn’t. He doesn’t waste your pain. God says “Right when you feel like giving up, remind yourself that I am your God. I make miracles happen. I love you.” Even if you don’t believe in a God, or you have a totally different religion, which is absolutely okay, just know that no matter what you face you’ve got someone.
When Ccz said
“What if this is what it’s going to be like for the rest of my life? Fight after fight barely getting any room to recover. What if I’m gonna have to for the rest of my life act stronger that I am?”
Reflecting upon this quote almost everyone asks themselves “what if…” now this quote is telling us that the curiosity of, in this case, the curiosity of thinking that will you be beaten up for the rest of your life, will you ever recuperate, will you keep lying to yourself or feel like you have to put on an act? No, you should never let the enemy(bully, etc.) win. Don’t let whoever or whatever it might be win. You can move on with your life and move past the fact that you’ve been hit, and you won’t let it happen again. Moving on with any circumstance, any situation, literally anything, is back-breaking. But just think that YOU CAN move on and put the past behind you along with that pain. It can take days, weeks, months, even years to re-build yourself, to eventually be okay with time. Yet again don’t let the pain, sorrow, anything keep you from moving forward with your life, from overall being happy. That mirror that you put yourself infront of before your day or night might even start. It’s like your the lead actor in a show. The show is really reality and your really the “star.” ACTING like your stronger than you really are is something that is making you hurt even more. If you really want to prove that you are strong and tough then at least prove it to yourself. You don’t need to satisfy someone else to make them feel better or whatever, what really matters is proving to yourself on who you are.You can do this however you’d like. Maybe if your physically wanting to be strong, push yourself to go to the gym and if you can’t lift something heavy at home. There is no such thing that “you can’t.” Focus on life instead of a show, focus on yourself rather than someone else, like the person you act to be. Altogether what I’m trying to put out there is that you can move on, you can be strong, you can be the person you want to be, you can be happy and okay. Don’t let the fight deluge you.
Published By: Ariana Baez
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