Everyone hits a bump in the road from time to time. There’s nothing bad about that. Not everything is a smooth ride. To be honest to me that’s what makes life interesting and fun. Making mistakes, doing things you never thought you can do. When there comes a time were you have fallen on your knees and you don’t want to get up- remember that just because you have failed once doesn’t mean to stop trying. You need to get up on your feet and try again. Keep trying and trying and trying. Let me tell you, if you stop trying than it will lead to not wanting to do anything. You don’t want to end up feeling worthless, helpless, or unsuccessful. So with that being said, in order to overcome your challenges, there are a few things that you can do when you feel like your giving up.

1.Exercise/ Active-Activities:

Being active can be calming and relaxing for most people. It can decrease stress and anger. It can be very relieving. Exercising- being active can cause you to keep going and keep trying every single day. By doing this you can feel more confident, positive, and most importantly motivated. Many people don’t realize that until they try. Cooking, cleaning, hiking, basically anything that has you moving around and being active can help you move forward.You never know if this can be something that you have been looking for in order for you to overcome your challenges or for it to take away stress and anger from you. For me exercising/ “working out” has helped me a lot and has motivated me to do the things i love and to help me become more confident.


Writing out how you are feeling can open up a whole new aspect in your life. If your a person who is independent, can’t really trust other people, and is on your own- than writing out your feelings might be something you would want to try. I wouldn’t be writing if it didn’t help me. It may sound dumb to some of you but you never know unless you try (I will say that over and over again if i have too). Your feelings are strong, you can’t keep them in hiding forever. You are eventually going to have to show them whether you were planning on it or not. If you don’t show them you will become a person you don’t want to become- you will push the people you love and care about away. Think to yourself if you really want to do that.

3.Opening Up to Someone You Trust:

A teacher, parent, guardian, sibling, friend, cousin, aunt, uncle- no matter who it is, having someone to talk to is important. I learned that the hard way, but i have my reasons. Speaking up and stating how you are feeling will make you less stressful than holding it back. Many people keep their problems to themselves because they think that it’s better to not say anything because you don’t want other people worrying about you, you can’t really trust anyone because of what has happened in the past, and not believing that they will listen or understand what you are going through. No one can understand what you go through on a daily basis because they aren’t in your shoes. But, if you have people in your life who will come to you and choose to listen, than open up to those people. Those people will take the time to listen to you because they know that you deserve to be heard. We all deserve to be heard, but their are people who choose not to listen, and that’s okay. Maybe talking can be more relieving than you think. Your mind can play games on you and it will make you think that their is no one who can help you, but that’s not true. There is always at least one person who will listen to you.

4.Blocking Out The World:

There comes a point were you need a break from everyone and everything around you. People think that it’s a bad thing but it’s not. It can be overwhelming and frustrating. What i would do when i need a break from the world is to put in my headphones, blast my music so i won’t be able to hear anyone but the lyrics, and just concentrate on nothing but the song. Make it seem like your the only person in the universe. In that moment, it’s your time, it’s your time to live and do the things that you want to do, think about the good things that have happened to you whether it was in the past or if it is in the present. Focus on the things that matter. Listen to music, motivational videos, or just listen to things that will help you focus on you or to find a distraction from the world that will help you get through the anxiety that you are going through. Taking your mind off of the things that are bothering you is worth your time. Your mental health matters too, it’s okay to take a break here and there to focus on yourself.

Published by Anastasia B.


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