Work so hard until you walk into a room and everyone knows your name, where you don’t even have to introduce yourself. Work!

Work so hard till you fail a few million times, and you’ll succeed. Work!

Work so hard till the point where you feel like giving up and you have that pounding headache, it is the sign of intelligence. Your getting smarter. It is the sign that you are thriving or going to thrive even though it hurts, you are doing the work because you clearly want to make it. You want to conquer your dreams. Work!

Whatever drives you, whatever it is, make sure you do all the good, you put in the effort, no cheating, no back stabbing, do it right. Just do all the right things and you’ll show everyone how far you’ll go. Work!

The kids and people with money and live in wealth, most of them don’t seem to understand that money isn’t everything. You can’t just pay yourself into convincing yourself and others that you’re a hard worker because behind that mirror it’s really the money that is doing the work For you, in that scenario it’s only the money that is trully getting where you want to be. What’s the point then?Why use your money in replacement of work, is it because your too lazy to actually work for what you want? Now for those who aren’t wealthy, who actually struggle with money, well…find a purpose, a dream, a goal, a chance, any opportunity, and build it up.

You can build an empire with just one dream. You can be rich by changing broken ways with the lowest voice. Work!

It’s hard to keep walking forward when you fell like you aren’t getting anywhere. It’s hard to keep constantly thinking about innovation. It’s hard when you Work. It’s hard when you keep working hard, but you know what it ALL pays off. Spite the long hours, long nights, constant meetings, constant talking, thinking, reflecting, reasoning. ALL of it will pay off.

“Trust your hard work, it’s unlocking doors you can’t see.”

Published By: Ariana N. Baez


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