Lets start with the statistics of social media. There is a worldwide population of about 7.8 billion people using any type of Social Media platform. Over 4.54 billion users are on the internet and there are an active number of 7.6 people using social media accounts. There is an average daily time spent on social media, which is 124 minutes. The numbers are growing everyday. About 81% of teenagers say that it has made a positive effect in there lives.

Being active on social media has had a big impact on my life so far. positively and negatively. Negatively because I have been cyber bullied and it was a rough time for me, but I learned how to move on and ignore it. Some would say I shouldn’t have ignored it, and they were right. it made the situation 10x worse. So I spoke up and told a close friend who had helped me through it. Being cyber bullied is a serious thing. Sometimes it can go into a direction you didn’t know you were going in. It can lead to depression, suicide, and having anxiety about everything and everyone around you. You might be afraid because you are missing out in things you wish you could be doing and worst of all you can look at other people and wish you were them. You wish you had there body, money, mindset, and everything that they had and you didn’t. But you can’t think like that. No matter how tempting it is. I know it’s difficult, but you need to face the problem before it gets worse. Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, these are most likely the most popular social media platforms besides Facebook. These things can mess with your mental health.

Social Media has made a positive impact on me because it has made our business prosper and became something I always dreamed of. For example, Instagram and YouTube. It has made our business easier to share with people around the world and it has brought people into our lives so we can help those people. Finding out ways to share our ideas and content is amazing. Yes we had some challenges but we kept getting back up on our feet and kept trying over and over again. We learned new things and it has made our creativity more creative! Social Media has also taught us to watch out what we put out on the internet, and who we are communicating with. The internet can be dangerous in many ways. So watch out, you never know what can happen.


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