“Never let it be said that to dream is a waste of time, for dreams are our realities in waiting. In dreams we plant the seeds of our future.” I have heard and listened to this quote so frequently. I’m constantly reminded of how our dreams are actions or scenes that we would want to happen in reality, and for the only way for our dream to come true is by us living our dream. What i mean is that, in order for us to make something come to life is to already imagine that you are living your dream. It’s there all around you, right in front of you- it’s already happening without you realizing it. Within a blink of an eye- your dream has come true. Like we always say, “ as long as you keep your mind to it, it’s most likely going to come true.”  

People think that they have all the time in the world. But the truth is we don’t. We don’t know how many birthdays we have, when our last gathering is, who will be the last person you meet, what was the last activity you will do, and so much more. We don’t have much time- believe it or not. So do things you want to do before it’s too late. Take a chance and live life to the fullest. You only have one life, so you might as well make the best out of it. Don’t hold a grudge for something that has happened to you in the past- make immense and move on. If you get into a fight with someone who means something to you, just say sorry and move on. Life is too short to hold grudges and to be mad. Time flies by so make the best out of every day.

Dreams. What are they? That is a question we all ask ourselves. Well dreams are our imaginations. But besides that they make reality more interesting and unique. Dreams are full of wonder and joy. Dreams can be anything you put your mind to, that’s what makes them special. So many people don’t believe in dreams because they think that dreams don’t come true. But they do. I know that for a fact because it happens to me. My dreams come true. For example, I dreamt of helping people in my community and around the world to make a difference. I dreamt of making money, having a good education, and being surrounded by the people who have been there for me when no one else was. Dreams come true if you work for them. You keep trying and you never give up on them. Yeah you might be doubting yourself some days but never give up. I know that sounds cliché but it’s the truth. If you give up on something that you really care about and want, then you aren’t going to be happy with yourself and you will say “ I should have never given up.” dreams only come true if you make them. 

Published by Anastasia B.


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