I used to be surrounded by the can and cants.
I used to be drowning myself in the deep sea.
I used to put my sorrows, my doubt, inside this box that was me.
I used to not smile and show how happy I would be.
I’d let myself drift off and sail away from society, I became unattended.
I felt like my life was nothing more than an atrocity.
I’d push everyone away by announcing my ferocity.
I’d feel sorry for the ones around me because they would see no luminosity.
There were mostly moments throughout time that have led to this pain, this apprehension. Moments like when the constant fighting roared and the words would forge you in fire.
Promises that were made but then simply broken, you are a liar.
Figures that were a part of my soul left, I was abandoned and this was soon to be my attire.
This was me, but I needed some redoing.
I now put on a smile that Is no longer fake but is real.
I’m now open, catching my breaths instead of counting, and I’ve now got a mind of steel.
I’ve grown bits and pieces that mend my soul, my heart now of gold, I am now ideal.
Published By: Ariana N. Baez
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