Once the sky falls and the stars begin to linger and take over, we become dreamers. We close our eyes and wish that we can be like this forever, to never wake up from this wild sensation. This is when our minds run free. This is when our creativity comes to speak. It’s a spark that is only temporary, but it is a spark that will always be lit. Nor wind, not even rain will take out this fire. We can dream and think whatever we want, it can be what you want it to be. Isn’t that something? Dreaming can never stop and neither can we. Yes, we only go to bed once, but that doesn’t stop you. We all have been there, we’ve all done that, even if you can’t remember, it’s there. We have the ability to think of whatever we want and use it. The ability to create the littlest things into something extraordinary. This ability is so important and so useful, even if we feel that it isn’t something extraordinary, even if we feel that it’s nothing. Well I’m here to tell whoever is reading this, We are the Dreamers. We are the ones to use our knowledge and imagination and put it to use. We are the ones who can take control because we have that power. The power of dreaming. You have a dream, make it happen. You don’t have a dream, find one. There is a place for everyone in this world, and no matter who you are you belong here.
At times you feel hopeless and stop from whatever you are doing, and just stop. Like time just froze. You can feel that there is no place for you, that there is no one there for you, when you feel completely and totally alone. It’s a terrible feeling, the feeling of not thinking that you are meant to be here, living and breathing. The only reason why I know this is because I’ve been there. I’ve felt the same way. And it became a big part of me. At some point It took over me. I never knew that this feeling would make me a better person. I didn’t know that this feeling was going to shape who I was, and I started to accept it, then face it. It was a long journey that I never thought that I could finish. But in the end, I did. There was an end to this feeling but not the dream. The only reason why that feeling whispered away, was because I started to see that my life can change and by changing it I needed to dream. I needed to think. I needed to push myself, I asked those around me “push me, wake me up every morning and tell me to get up because today is today. You may not wake up tomorrow so wake up today. Push me to be positive, push me to fall in love with myself, just-push me.” I never knew that this would make such an impact on my life. My mom showed me a quote that says “ When things change inside you, things change around you.” At first I’m like why the heck did she just send me this, then I thought that I changed who I was. I helped myself and I had support. Even if you may not have support you can still help yourself. It’s hard, I know, and trust me I know. But, help yourself, change the person inside and I guarantee things will change around you.
Like I said before, We are the dreamers. We live up to and through expectations. And some dreams(not all) may come true. Only, just only, if you keep going. Put your mind to it, you’ll make it.
Published By: Ariana N.B.
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