Note: Little things in life matter the most. Why? Well the little things we do are like memories our families and friends have on us. The little things change our reactions to life, Instead of reacting, you will respond.
It’s been a little while since we have posted, we have been busy with our website and personal reasons. But we are back and ready than ever. let’s get into it!
“ It’s the little things in life that matter”. When i think of this saying, i think about people who have made a big impact on the world and who have marked their place in history. Like Martin Luther King- who gave a powerful speech to revoke segregation and racism and changed the world and opinions about African Americans, Mahatma Gandhi- who led an independence movement called the non-violent civil disobedience that inspired millions of people around the world, Albert Einstein- who was one of the most famous scientists who gave an impact on our understanding of our universe, such as time, light, and gravity. There are so many people who have changed the world and who we still look up to today. It’s great to see how each and every individual started with something small, and created something bigger. People always seem to think about the big picture instead of thinking about the small things that makes the picture bigger more important. Small things grow and become more efficient and become something bigger over time. ”if your dreams don’t scare you, they are too small” Richard Branson. What I get from this quote is that, if you have a dream, and it’s not big enough to the point where you give your all – then it’s not going to satisfy you in the end.
To get what you want, you have to become the most hard working person you could ever be.
You shouldn’t worry about what other people have to say about you because there are people out in the world who wish to be like you or they might not have what you have. But the main thing is not to compare yourself to other people, it won’t help you. Focusing on the negative parts of a situation isn’t going to help you or make the situation better. Looking more deeper into the situation will be better than having one point of view or thinking that you have one solution to the problem.
Published By: Anastasia B.
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