You shouldn’t change yourself for anyone. No matter who that person is. Whether it’s your mom/ dad, brother/ sister, close friend, or even your boyfriend/girlfriend. No matter who It Is, never change who you are for nobody. God made you the way you are for a specific reason. He made you to be unique and different in  your own way. That’s what makes each and every one of us special. Whoever is criticizing you for who you are is not worth your time listening to. For example, if someone doesn’t like a specific shirt or colored pants you are wearing, don’t listen to them- you have a style that is different from there’s- who cares. If someone is telling you to act like a completely different person around other people because they think that you will be better outside of your own skin, don’t listen to them. You be you. 

You can be whoever you want to be whether it’s now or in the near future. If you want to change something about yourself, then do it. Just make sure you are making the right decision. Never change yourself to please other people. You are never going to love yourself if you try to be something you’re not. Loving yourself is one of the most powerful things that can make your self-esteem go up. It’s okay to put yourself first, that will help you learn more and more about who you are. It’s good to focus on yourself for a little while and once you’re comfortable in your own skin, then you will start to learn how to love and care for others. 

It’s hard to not change who you are for someone, believe me I know how you feel. I wouldn’t be writing this if i haven’t gone through it myself. But the thing is, if you change the smallest thing about yourself it can make a big difference. You will start to think about who you were yesterday and realized today that this isn’t you. People will look at you differently, whether it’s in a positive or negative way, you will get a certain type of feeling that i can’t explain-but once you get that feeling, you will  know when something is wrong.  I mean everyone will get a different reaction, not everyone will feel the same way. It all depends on the type of situation you are going through. 

Overall be who you are. Don’t change yourself for someone else. If you ever need a person to talk to contact us. Don’t be afraid. We will never judge you. There’s a 99% chance that we have been through whatever you are going through. You are never alone. 

Published By: Anastasia B.


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