I want to discover the impossible. I want dreams to be recognized and I want a voice. A voice to be heard and echoed in every state of mind. I want people to notice that there is hope, not just in the present, but also in the nearby future. No matter what there can be a future only determined on your actions. It’s up to you to decide if that future becomes a success or a failure. Only you can decide. Not your parents, or friends, only you. When you look around, there’s people, animals, places to go, fights, rights, stores, it’s the life that you will be surrounded by for as long as you live. And it’s the life where time keeps running and It never stops. ( Go read below to read more about Time In Your Life, it will be worth it)Your surroundings make you who you are. It gives you the decision to go left or right, good or bad. It’s really the story of your life. What makes you, you, is the backdrop of the adventure, mysteries, reality, love, and faith, there is so much more to what you don’t expect. What I’m trying to say is that there is a future for everyone and the future should be something that you should mainly focus on. Set a goal , follow the dream, and you’re already one step closer towards the future. What you can do when you’re clueless on what your future may be or what you want it to be is think about things that haven’t been done before. Think about ways that you can be an asset in the world. Write a book that no one has ever written, set a record, create something, and hey maybe even teach pigs how to fly. Do something! Because within the time you do it takes an affect on what can happen next. Do something that can give you a voice. I’ve found mine, it’s your turn to find yours. Do what can’t be done, find the impossible.

Time In Your Life

As we all know time is a precious thing. Don’t waste your time on doing nothing. Spend every moment like it is your last. Don’t run away from time because time is running away from you. As every minute and seconds and hours pass by, you’re losing a moment of opportunity. You’re losing your child’s first steps, your first kiss, or any special moment that you won’t have again. Time goes on and you get older, not younger. It’s the beauty of life. For me it’s like saying you can never go back and the truth is you can’t. The time spent in our lives is like a game of scattergories and the time that you are running on is an hourglass. Time is running out and before you write down the last word, suddenly time has stopped and you’re given a second chance. But that’s just fictional. Sometimes you can never get a second chance and sometimes you can’t gain more time when you need it. Because in everyday life your time is running out no matter what the situation is and before the game ends you’ll wish you would have written something down to make you have a better shot in winning or to make the game complete. In the end you have created a journey of memories and unforgettable moments in the time that you have only if you live it like it’s your last. And the true game that we truly play is the game of Life.

Published By: Ariana N.B.



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