Being successful isn’t easy. It’s probably one of the hardest things in life. It’s different for everyone but in my experience it’s one of the things that are difficult for me. Success takes a lot of patience and practice. “Losers quit when they fail. Winners fail until they succeed.”, Robert T. Kiyosaki. When you fall down because something didn’t go the way you wanted or you were trying to achieve a goal and you didn’t get the chance to achieve it, doesn’t mean that you should give up. Get back on your feet and keep trying till you accomplish whatever you were trying to do. Just because you fail doesn’t mean that you can’t fulfill what you are trying to achieve. Succeeding is hard because success doesn’t come easily, it takes time and effort.

Failure is very common to everyone. It’s easier to fail instead of succeeding. Sometimes people take the easy way out- and that is failure. People don’t realize that failure is something that can be so toxic. Failure isn’t the answer to your problems. Failing then succeeding is the way to go. You may be thinking that you have no hope to succeed at the things you want to do, but the truth is you do have hope, you just haven’t found the right way to motivate you and give you hope to keep on trying as many times as you can. For example, listening to music or watching motivational videos to start your day may be something that will give you hope or making healthier eating habits to make you feel more confident about your body. Everyone fails, but then you keep failing until you succeed. Show the people who bring you down that you are strong enough to succeed, show that you are worth it, do it for the people who want to see you fail, but most importantly do it for yourself, it all starts with you.

You’re not going to forgive yourself if you keep letting yourself down. If you keep procrastinating, having negative thoughts, and only seeing the un-positive side of yourself or anything in that matter, then life is going to keep bringing bumps in the road. When you fall down, bring yourself back up, no matter how many times you fall, always get back up. You aren’t going to get anywhere in life if you aren’t going to take the hits that God keeps throwing at you. If you want to live an amazing life then stop bringing yourself down. It doesn’t matter how many times I repeat myself because it’s true. If I’m saying it multiple times then it obviously means something. I hate seeing the people I love get depressed or upset about the littlest things that happen to them because then they think that nothing is going to get better. But to tell you the truth it will. Believe me it will. Don’t let the little things get in the way of your happiness. 

Published By: Anastasia B.


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