It ain’t easy to read the lines when the letter d looks like b.
It ain’t easy to get a degree.
It ain’t easy for people like you and me.
It ain’t easy to focus, and it ain’t easy to pay attention when everyone around you is talking and obsessing.

Their shouting like they’re roaring.
Their quite like they’re snoring,
They’re a blazing fire causing recognition.
It ain’t easy when it comes to education, but we are able to break through the tension.

It ain’t easy to have a sky full of sunshine.
It ain’t easy to have a gleaming smile.
It ain’t easy to hide the tears within the fears.
It ain’t easy to be happy.
But as we all know it is something that is difficult to control, like a Christmas tree sticky and sappy.
Never said it was impossible, never said it was easy.
I said it was “difficult” but it is possible.
Believe me.

It ain’t easy to pay the bills.
It ain’t easy to buy groceries with a limit.
It ain’t easy to get what you want, when you want it.
It ain’t easy to afford a house and it’s okay I’ll admit.
It ain’t easy to be clean and fit.
Not everyone has a life where there is a constant roof over their heads and a shower.
They probably want a nice bed with a pillow to cushion their head.
Instead of the ground that makes their hair red.
All they really want is to have chances and times to relax, is that too much to ask.

It ain’t easy to be smart.
An education that isn’t fitting.
A grade doesn’t determine your intelligence, what you do next matters.
It ain’t easy to be happy.
It ain’t easy when your heart is breaking and you’re confused.
It ain’t easy when you’re mentally, physically, and verbally abused.
It ain’t easy to have money.
This is our everyday lives and it’s hard I get it.
We have each other to get through it, so now don’t quit.

{ This poem is about everyone being different in their own way, in their own world, and life. And it’s really saying that it’s okay to be different because I know that people feel that if they don’t fit in, then they don’t belong, but that’s not true. EVERYONE is different and you can’t change that, yeah you maybe able to change somethings, but not everything. I know doubt and the understated feeling you get because of soo many obstacles being thrown at you. And because of this you should push through.}

Published By: Ariana N.B.



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