Clear skin, skinny, not overweight, tall or short. These are a few examples of what young girls wish to be. They want to be better than what they look like now. Girls look through magazines and see beautiful women with the perfect bodies. Even on social media such as Instagram or Tik-Tok, young girls look at these women and see something they’re not. I’m not saying this to call out anyone. I’m saying this because girls try to change into someone they aren’t and become a whole different person to impress other people. Sometimes girls try to look like someone they are not to impress a guy. It’s sad because usually now and then guys these days just look at a girls look and judge them for what they look like-not even knowing who they really are on the inside. Guys should look at women from different perspectives, not just what they look like or what type of clothes they have on. Guys should try and have a real conversation and figure out who they are as a person, finding interests in each other, and honestly just let them be themselves- don’t judge someone based on what they do and don’t like.
Most of the women in the world are afraid to show who they are. Besides being determined by their appearances, they get viewed strangely because of what nationality they are and what cultures they believe in. This is the most likely the most important insecurity that all women are insecure about. It’s hard to fit in or talk about it because most of the time you can get made fun of or an argument will start to form. What I’m basically getting at is Just because some women have different backgrounds doesn’t mean we should all be treated differently. No matter what nationality we are or what cultures we believe in, doesn’t mean we have to be treated with disrespect. Everyone is different-that’s life.
published by Anastasia & Ariana B.D.

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