Poetry is an amazing concept of writing. It is unique because of the different types of poetry created throughout the world. Through poetry, people can express how they are feeling about the world around them or people can express there inner feelings about what they are going through personally. With this being said, on this page you will find a variety of poems that were written about a variety of different topics.

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check out our poems that are written for a continuous amount of different topics!

Look up.You will see the […]
When all you see is […]
I used to be surrounded […]
The sunshine gleams across the […]
Her face white and pale.She […]
You make me feel at […]
It’s time to change  It’s […]
It ain’t easy to read […]
I am strong and beautifulI […]
Free verse is verse in lines, […]
I haven’t seen you for […]
“Finding Me Again” Is a […]
Heart attack.Cancer.Death.All phobias in life.Sweet […]
Leave the old times in […]