When I was a little girl I had dreamed about a prince, someone who’d sweep me off my feet, run into each other so our eyes would meet, or simply say “hi”. As cheesy as it sounds all I’ve ever wanted was love and honestly I know that everyone, at some point, has wanted love. Who doesn’t? Anyways, all my life I had seen people fall for love all around me. A glance at the right and you’ll see the adult type love. A glance at the left and you’ll see the teenage, stupid kid love. But it wasn’t the teenage/kid love I had been admired by, it was the adult love. So, I’d truly waited and waited till I’d find my person. The one. I didn’t want to mess around, try things, I wanted to wait for the right person. Someone that gets me, is there for me, someone who Isn’t running away from me because of all my problems or my history. It may sound ridiculous for whomever might be reading this but for some this is special. Sharing your first with someone and only with one person for a long time, is definite. Love is hard to find, love is hard in general, seeing others generously endure love and not you is truly heartbreaking. Realizing that you don’t have something as powerful as love messes with not just your heart but your mind as well. It dabbles with how you see yourself. You think to yourself ¨I´m not good enough¨, ¨what do they have that I don´t?¨, ¨do I have to change?¨. You´ll even look at yourself in the mirror and truly see yourself, either you keep your head up or you let it down. What I mean by this is that when you decide to keep your head up it means that you don´t care about what others say about you or feel about you, you don´t care about the words that your mine tinkers you with, you just don´t care. You are better. You WILL be better. On the other hand letting your head fall it means that your giving into everything you hear. You say ¨your right¨ , ¨I do have to change¨, ¨there is no one for me¨. You decide whether you fall or rise. This is a tuff decision to come across but if you keep letting yourself down the way that you´ve been, you wont go anywhere, it´s as if you were a car and you were stuck in park, not being able to discover new things, new feelings.

Some people, well ALL people, have different opinions and ideas on love and the ones they personally fall In love with and hey no one is perfect. And what´s interesting is that most likely people tend to fall for the imperfect because they are just simply attracted to that. In my opinion I think so too. But anyways, true love, the right love is when you fall for who they are and not what they look like. I came across a quote that said”Fall in love with someone who wants you, who waits for you, who understands you even in the madness; someone who helps you, and guides you, someone who is your support, your hope, fall in love with someone who talks with you after a fight. Fall in love with someone who misses you and wants to be with you. Do not fall in love only with a body or with a face; or with the idea of being in love.¨ Just like that I understood completely what love really was.

Now as I talked about how I had dreamt of love, after years and years, I had finally found it. I may be 16, turning 17, years old, I know that it´s him. He supports me, he gets me, he Isn´t ashamed of me, he encourages me, he is the one that picks me up when I had fallen, he´s perfect. To me. This should be the guy that you´d wish for or somewhat want because I am just so damn lucky to have found someone like him. In my opinion I know that when you know when your in love, you just know. No matter how you or how old, when you know you know that´s it. And when you are so, so in love with someone don´t stop fighting for them. Don´t give up on them. Because I know for a fact that if there were anything that would happen between him and I, I would fight so hard because he is someone and the one that I just can´t let go.

Love is tricky yet easy,

big yet small,

light yet heavy.

Published by: Ariana Baez



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